

Immigration, Family Law and more


Immigration Law

Our immigration practice includes removal defense, affirmative applications, and petitions.

MARriage and family immigration

For those legally in the United States as citizens, legal permanent residents, asylees or certain visa holders, you may be able to bring your family to the United States or help them change their legal status if they’re already in the US. You may be eligible to bring your fiance, spouse, children, siblings and parents. This area of practice includes family-based applications, adjustment of status, consular processing with the National Visa Center and waivers if needed.

citizenship - naturalization

Applying for Citizenship is many times the last hurdle of a client’s immigration journey. Our office works closely with you to make your naturalization process as seamless as possible. We prepare a thorough application, guide you in preparing for the required English and Civics exams and accompany you to your naturalization interview to ensure you are treated fairly.


Asylum is a form of protection granted by the US government to refugees fleeing their home country for fear of persecution on account of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group such as a member of the LGTBQ community. Those granted asylum can apply to live in the United States permanently and gain a path to citizenship and can also apply for their spouse and children to join them in the United States. Asylum is a legal right under international law. The United States has a legal obligation to provide protection to those fleeing persecution as asylum seekers or from abroad as resettled refugees. This area of practice includes representation during credible fear and reasonable fear interviews.


Our office can assist you with the process of applying for renewal of your green card, replacement of your green card or removal of conditions on your green card. The process will differ depending on several factors. Contact our office for assistance to ensure you always have a valid green card as required by immigration law for all legal permanent residents.

REMOVAL defense - asylum, cat

Our office represents individuals - adults and minor children - detained and non-detained in their deportation proceedings before immigration court.

  • Cancellation of Removal

  • Immigration Appeals - BIA Appeals - Ninth Circuit Court Appeals


  • VAWA for Victims of Domestic Violence

  • Visa Denials

  • Asylum, withholding of removal, and Convention Against Torture (CAT)

  • Motions to Reopen

  • Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

  • Requests for Prosecutorial Discretion

VAWA - Violence aganist woman act, U-visa and t-visa

VAWA is a visa available to survivors of domestic violence who suffered abuse at the hands of their US citizen or Legal Permanent Resident spouse or parent. VAWA allows survivors to escape violence and live independent safe lives. A U-visa is a visa available to those who have been victims of a violent crime in the US and have helped in the criminal investigation or prosecution of that crime. Lastly, a T-visa is available to human trafficking survivors. All three lead to eligibility for work authorization and ultimately legal permanent residency. Our office is trained and equipped to provide survivors with trauma informed services, representation and referrals. We recognize the profound trauma caused by the experiences that lead to qualification for any one of these reliefs and are deliberate in creating a safe space and trusting relationship with our client survivors.

UNLAWFUL removal (Deportation) OF US CITIZENS

If a family member or loved one is detained by immigration despite being a US citizen, be sure to contact an immigration attorney immediately. Our office handles cases in which a US Citizen has been detained by immigration officials or has been deported. Any action by immigration officials against a US Citizen is unlawful and improper. In July 2021, a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had wrongfully detained 674 potential US citizens and deported 70 of those citizens within a five year period. Do not wait until your family member has been removed from the country to contact an attorney. Unlawful deportation of US Citizens are not uncommon and require the immediate involvement and action of an experienced attorney. Contact our office if you suspect you or your family member maybe facing unlawful deportation charges.

DACA - deferred action for childhoold arrivals + Advanced parole

Our office helps with initial DACA applications and renewals. DACA grants work authorization to those who arrived in the United States as children before the age of 16 and meet other requirements. Our office has been processing DACA applications since the order was signed in 2012 by then President Barack Obama. We have extensive experience with initial applications and renewals. Additionally, we have a near perfect success rate in advance parole requests, allowing DACA holders to travel outside of the United States for work, education or emergency reasons.

*NOTE: As of July 2021 a federal judge has blocked further approvals of first time DACA applications. Renewals will not be affected.


Temporary Protected Status or TPS is a form of humanitarian relief that provides work authorization to immigrants of certain nationalities or countries. Although TPS does not lead or provide individuals with any type of legal permanent status, it does provide the ability to live and work lawfully in the United States. Our office provides assistance and representation for initial TPS applications, renewals and advance parole requests.

*NOTE: On Sept. 14, 2020, in Ramos, et al. v. Nielsen, et al., No. 18-cv-01554 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 3, 2018) (PDF, 374.01 KB), the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California enjoined DHS from implementing and enforcing the decisions to terminate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Sudan, Nicaragua, Haiti and El Salvador, pending further resolution of the case. As of September 10, 2021, TPS designation for those countries has been auto-extended through December 31, 2022. If your employer has terminated your employment or threatening to do because of an expired EAD, please contact our office for assistance.


The special immigrant juvenile visa is a common form of immigration relief available to unaccompanied minors or immigrant youth who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by one or both parents. SIJS is unlike most immigration cases in that it requires a state court component and then an immigration component.


Family Law

Our Family Law Practice serves clients in San Francisco County, San Mateo County and Santa Clara County only. We approach all cases with a collaborative mindset and highly encourage our clients to be open to collaborating with the other party in the best interest of all involved.







  • legal name changes

  • PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENTS (pre-marital agreements)

  • CORRECTING vital records- BIRTH CERTIFICATES, marriage certificates

  • assistance with apostle certifications and certified translations of vital records